Thursday, May 30, 2019

Romantic Poets and Their Response to Nature Essay -- Romantic Poets Po

Romantic Poets and Their Response to NatureConsider how the romantic poets have responded to the subject of nature with finishing references to at least three poems studied.Consider how the romantic poets have responded to the subject ofnature with close references to at least three poems studied, commentin lucubrate on1. Imagery (e.g. simile, metaphor, personification.)2. Subject matter/theme3. Characteristics of the romantic movementRomanticism was a poetic movement of the 19th century, during TheFrench Revolution. The poetry reflected on feelings of foolingevents. It was written in a simplistic language so that e genuinelyone couldunderstand and appreciate poetry because earlier poetry was writtenformally with a complex language, which only the well educated couldunderstand fully. Romantic poems had strong characteristics, whichstand out, these are pantheism, the importance of childhood andmemories, a simplistic style, an informal and e genuinelyday language,emotional and polit ical. From studying Keats, Coleridge and WordsworthNature has been the most influential characteristic, and has inspiredthem to write personal poems reflecting on God, permanence, education,childhood and memory.The poem To Autumn written by Keats (1795-1821) is a usualromantic poem and in the first sentenceSeason of mist and mellow fruitfulness, we already have a sense ofcalmness because the haggling mist and mellow are very soft andgentle sounding words. Keats has used m and s words like thesebecause he wants to get across the calmness of autumn and how relaxedit is, he does this by using words which are almost impossible to besaid in a harsh and vicious way.Keats strongly worships na... ... to visualise asupreme, perfect scene of hardly what Westminster looks like in themorning. All bright and glittering in the smokeless air. Never didsun more beautiful steep In his first splendor, is building up afeeling of warmth because it is a very colourful passage. The wordsteep increase s the readers sense of touch. To add nature into thepoem Wordsworth has commented on open unto the fields, and the sky,this has set a very peaceful tone to the poem and has demonstratedthat nature can live together in harmony with man. This image reallytakes hold of Wordsworth and in a state of passion because of theperfection he cries out to God Dear God. This has added vigour tothe poem and to get back to the peacefulness and silent perfection hehas added or so how still London is in the morning, which means hisalmighty heart is lying still.

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